Experimental film lecture 2 – the edit


  • Transfer my collaging skills to film
  • Read up on film theory
  • Look up and read Maya Deren- the creative use of reality
  • Write about “The Mask” in film
  • Either create or find a dictionary of filming techniques
  • Buy a prism to film through
  • Analyse Son Lux
  • Solstafir performance




Cibo Matto – Sugar Water

One half is plays forward and one half plays backward. Then it turns out to be the same video. It is two shots.

Dissolves helps them blend together

On movement

Lay one on top of each other

Screen wipe

Institution mode of representation

there’s a convention for shot sequences – what seems natural – film language

Montage theory

Collage – move my collage into film – weird associations – things that have a strange connection

Working out what’s not right – and why

A short clip that has no editing – this is what film was in the beginning – like YouTube but ooolllllddddd


G A Smith – “The sick Kitten” one of the first ever cuts (it was a cut to a close up) to disclose detail.

“Fat and lean wrestling match” – Georges Melies from “Melies the magician” Continuity editing that doesn’t look like editing. Plenty of trick shots. Made to look like continuous shots.

The reason why old films look fast is because they were hand cranked, but then when it was transferred to a mechanical cranking, they got the frame rate wrong.

Mainstream continuity editing

Working out what works and what doesn’t

“At Land” Maya Deren  

I have seen this film before in a previous lecture. Obscure cuts ans visual associations.

Crawling along a table

Panning shot of table

Crawling through a forest

Close ups allow detail, but no context.

Go in, remove or change context, and then zoom or cut out

Reaching out of one frame into the scene of the next

“Gargantuan” John Smith

My nute – Minute


“Episodes from the life of Dr .Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.” Paul Bush  

“Made in London” 1930

Discontinuity within continuous shots

He reenacting the film with contemporary dress and flicking between multiple different actors in a stop motion kind of way, with the original audio. Showing the duality of their being.

Technical Jargon

Longer shots are more mediative

Montage is visual allegory like:

  • The aristocrat is as proud as a peacock
  • The woman was as delicate as a wilting flower
  • The man was a child

People retrofit, bridge associations


Lev Kuleshov – the Kuleshov effect

“Absence of Satan” – George Barber

  • Auditory collage
  • Creating a rhythm
  • Making it dancelike

“Getting stronger every day” – Miranda July

“Man With a movie camera” – Dziga Vertov

  • Work
  • Busyness
  • Att sjempa på
  • Anxiety
  • Blustelling
  • Super fast rate

“2187” Arthur Lipsett

  • The relationships are more abstract
  • Collaging sound
  • Found material
  • Creates an atmosphere/mood
  • Links to music video

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